Because the old classic Nokia phones have made a comeback, I thought it apt to write about the most popular feature of the Nokia-phone–era: Snake. Contrary to popular belief, Nokia did not pioneer the Snake game, though.
Snake is simply a name for a video game concept where the player has to maneuver a line which grows in length. The Snake concept originated in the arcade game Blockade in 1976. Today, however, there are hundreds of variances of the original Snake game.
Playing the game involves a player having to attempt to “eat” items by running into them with the head of the snake. Each item eaten makes the snake longer, causing the controlling of the snake’s movements to progressively become more difficult.
Let’s build one!
Open Visual Studio and create a new Visual Basic Windows Forms project. Once your project has been created, design your form to resemble Figure 1:
Figure 1: Our Design
This project needs a big Picturebox, one Label, and one Timer. Name the objects anything you desire, but keep in mind that my names may differ from yours.
Add a new class to your project. Name it clsMovement. Then, add the following Properties and Enum to clsMovement:
Private pntLocation As Point Private intStep As Integer Private iDirection As intDirection Public ReadOnly Property Location() As Point Get Return pntLocation End Get End Property Public Property Direction() As intDirection Get Return iDirection End Get Set(ByVal Value As intDirection) iDirection = Value End Set End Property Public ReadOnly Property Increment() As Integer Get Return intStep End Get End Property Public Enum intDirection As Integer None = -1 Left Down Right Up End Enum
These properties determine the direction the snake is moving, where it is, and by how many segments it should grow after it has eaten. Add the Constructors:
Public Sub New() intStep = 8 pntLocation = New Point(0, 0) Direction = intDirection.Right End Sub Public Sub New(ByVal iStep As Integer, ByVal pStart As Point, _ ByVal dirNew As intDirection) iDirection = dirNew intStep = iStep pntLocation = pStart End Sub
Either one of these (depending on whether you have instantiated the class with parameters or without parameters) sets the default values of the direction, location, or growing objects. Add the following sub procedures:
Public Function NextLoc(Optional ByVal dirNext _ As intDirection = intDirection.None) As Point Dim pntLoc As New Point(pntLocation.X, pntLocation.Y) If (dirNext = intDirection.None) Then dirNext = iDirection Select Case dirNext Case intDirection.Left pntLoc.X -= intStep Exit Select Case intDirection.Down pntLoc.Y += intStep Exit Select Case intDirection.Right pntLoc.X += intStep Exit Select Case intDirection.Up pntLoc.Y -= intStep Exit Select End Select Return pntLoc End Function Public Sub Move(Optional ByVal dirMove As intDirection = _ intDirection.None) If (dirMove = intDirection.None) Then dirMove = iDirection Select Case dirMove Case intDirection.Left pntLocation.X -= intStep Exit Select Case intDirection.Down pntLocation.Y += intStep Exit Select Case intDirection.Right pntLocation.X += intStep Exit Select Case intDirection.Up pntLocation.Y -= intStep Exit Select End Select End Sub Public Sub Move(ByVal rectBounds As Rectangle, Optional ByVal _ dirMove As intDirection = intDirection.None) Move(dirMove) If (pntLocation.X > rectBounds.Right) Then pntLocation.X = CInt(rectBounds.Left / intStep) * intStep ElseIf (pntLocation.X < rectBounds.Left) Then pntLocation.X = CInt(rectBounds.Right / intStep) * intStep ElseIf (pntLocation.Y > rectBounds.Bottom) Then pntLocation.Y = CInt(rectBounds.Top / intStep) * intStep ElseIf (pntLocation.Y < rectBounds.Top) Then pntLocation.Y = CInt(rectBounds.Bottom / intStep) * _ intStep End If End Sub
These subs are responsible for the snake object’s movement. They need to see where the snake currently is, which side of the screen to appear from next, as well as to keep track of which direction to move to, based upon the user’s key press.
Add a new class and name it clsSegment. Add the following properties to it:
Private rectLoc As Rectangle Public ReadOnly Property Rect() As Rectangle Get Return rectLoc End Get End Property Public Property Loc() As Point Get Return rectLoc.Location End Get Set(ByVal Value As Point) rectLoc.Location = Value End Set End Property Public ReadOnly Property Size() As Size Get Return rectLoc.Size End Get End Property
These properties determine the current location as well as the size of the snake. Add the Constructor:
Public Sub New(ByVal pntLoc As Point, ByVal intWidth As Integer) rectLoc = New Rectangle(pntLoc, New Size(intWidth, intWidth)) End Sub Public Function CloneSegment() As clsSegment Return New clsSegment(rectLoc.Location, rectLoc.Width) End Function Public Overrides Function ToString() As String Return Me.GetType.ToString + ": " + rectLoc.Location.ToString End Function
Add a new class and name it clsSnake. Add the following members:
Private Const intMaxLength As Integer = 1024 Private Const intDefaultLength As Integer = 4 Private Const intDefaultWidth As Integer = 8 Private qSegments As Queue Private intWidth As Integer
The preceding code determines the maximum snake length, its starting length, and the snake’s width. It also creates a queue object to keep the new segments. Add the following properties:
Public Property NumberOfSegments() As clsSegment() Get Dim cSegments(qSegments.Count - 1) As clsSegment qSegments.CopyTo(cSegments, 0) Return cSegments End Get Set(value As clsSegment()) End Set End Property Public Property Head() As clsSegment Get Return DirectCast(qSegments.Peek, clsSegment).CloneSegment End Get Set(value As clsSegment) End Set End Property
Here, you keep track of the number of segments as well as where the snake’s head is. Add the constructor:
Private Sub InitializeSnake(ByVal pntLoc As Point, _ ByVal iWidth As Integer, ByVal iLength As Integer) intWidth = iWidth Dim pLoc As Point = pntLoc Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To iLength Eat(pLoc) pLoc.X -= intWidth Next End Sub Public Sub New() MyBase.New() InitializeSnake(New Point(intDefaultLength * _ intDefaultWidth, 0), intDefaultWidth, intDefaultLength) End Sub Public Sub New(ByVal pntStart As Point, _ ByVal iWidth As Integer, ByVal iLength As Integer) MyBase.New() InitializeSnake(pntStart, iWidth, iLength) End Sub
The New Constructor makes use of the InitializeSnake procedure to set all the defaults. Add the following sub procedures and Function:
Public Sub Eat(ByVal pntLoc As Point) Dim cHead As New clsSegment(pntLoc, intWidth) If (qSegments Is Nothing) Then qSegments = New Queue(intMaxLength) ElseIf (qSegments.Count = intMaxLength) Then Move(pntLoc) Exit Sub End If qSegments.Enqueue(cHead) End Sub Public Sub Clear() qSegments.Clear() End Sub Public Sub Move(ByVal pntLoc As Point) Dim cHead As New clsSegment(pntLoc, intWidth qSegments.Enqueue(cHead) qSegments.Dequeue() End Sub Public Function FoodPlacedOnSnake(ByVal pntLoc As Point) _ As Boolean Dim ieSegments As IEnumerator = qSegments.GetEnumerator While ieSegments.MoveNext If DirectCast(ieSegments.Current, clsSegment) _ .Rect.Contains(pntLoc) Then Return True End While End Function
Eat allows the snake to eat and grow, Clear starts over, and Move completes the move. The FoodPlacedOnSnake function determines if the food has been placed on the snake; if so, we must place it somewhere else. Add the following members to your Form:
Private Const intGrow As Integer = 3 Private Const intWidth As Integer = 8 Private cSnake As clsSnake Private cMovement As clsMovement Private blnMoving As Boolean = False Private blnExpanding As Boolean = False Private rectFood As Rectangle Private intScore As Integer
These members allow the snake to grow, expand, and keep track of the score for you. Add the following Functions and subs:
Public Sub Feed() Dim pntFood As Point Do pntFood = Randomize() If Not (cSnake Is Nothing) Then If Not cSnake.FoodPlacedOnSnake(pntFood) Then Exit Do Else Exit Do End If Loop rectFood.Location = pntFood End Sub Private Sub Die() DisplayMessage("Press Enter to play or Escape to quit.") Initialize() End Sub Private Sub Initialize() intScore = 0 rectFood = New Rectangle(0, 0, intWidth, intWidth) Feed() Dim pntStart As New Point(CInt(picGame.ClientSize.Width _ / 2 / intWidth + 0.5) * intWidth, CInt(picGame _ .ClientSize.Height / 2 / intWidth + 0.5) * intWidth) cSnake = New clsSnake(pntStart, intWidth, 1) cMovement = New clsMovement(intWidth, cSnake.Head.Loc, _ clsMovement.intDirection.Right) blnExpanding = True End Sub Private Sub UpdateUI() Static iGrow As Integer = intGrow Static intAddSeg As Integer If Not blnMoving Then Exit Sub cMovement.Move(picGame.ClientRectangle) If cSnake.FoodPlacedOnSnake(cMovement.Location) Then iGrow = 0 intAddSeg = 0 Die() Return ElseIf rectFood.Contains(cMovement.Location) Then iGrow += intGrow blnExpanding = True Feed() intScore += 5 Text = "Score: " + intScore.ToString End If If blnExpanding Then If iGrow < intGrow Then iGrow = intGrow If intAddSeg >= iGrow Then blnExpanding = False intAddSeg = 0 iGrow = 0 cSnake.Move(cMovement.Location) Else cSnake.Eat(cMovement.Location) intAddSeg += 1 End If Else cSnake.Move(cMovement.Location) End If End Sub Private Sub DisplayMessage(ByVal strMsg As String) lblMessage.Text = strMsg lblMessage.Visible = True blnMoving = False tmrGame.Enabled = False End Sub Public Function Randomize() As Point Dim rnd As New Random(Now.Second) Dim intScreenWidth As Integer = ((ClientRectangle.Width \ _ intWidth) - 2) * intWidth Dim intScreenHeight As Integer = ((ClientRectangle.Height \ _ intWidth) - 2) * intWidth Dim intX As Integer = rnd.Next(0, intScreenWidth) Dim intY As Integer = rnd.Next(0, intScreenHeight) intX = (intX \ intWidth) * intWidth intY = (intY \ intWidth) * intWidth Return New Point(intX, intY) End Function Private Sub HideMessage() Me.Text = "Score: " + intScore.ToString lblMessage.Visible = False blnMoving = True tmrGame.Enabled = True End Sub
We feed the snake randomly until it dies. When the snake dies, we have to display a message with the score and start the game again. Add the events for Form1 that will enable us to draw the snake, its food, and to intercept keyboard messages:
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, _ ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Initialize() End Sub Private Sub picGame_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As _ System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles picGame.Paint If Not blnMoving Then e.Graphics.Clear(picGame.BackColor) Exit Sub End If e.Graphics.FillEllipse(Brushes.White, rectFood) Dim segCurrent As clsSegment For Each segCurrent In cSnake.NumberOfSegments e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, segCurrent.Rect) Next End Sub Private Sub tmrGame_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, _ ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles tmrGame.Tick UpdateUI() picGame.Invalidate() End Sub Private Sub Form1_KeyUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As _ System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles MyBase.KeyUp Select Case e.KeyCode Case Keys.Enter HideMessage() Case Keys.Escape If blnMoving Then DisplayMessage("Press Enter to continue or Escape _ to quit.") Else Me.Close() End If End Select End Sub Private Sub Form1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As _ System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles MyBase.KeyDown Select Case e.KeyCode Case Keys.Right cMovement.Direction = clsMovement.intDirection.Right Case Keys.Down cMovement.Direction = clsMovement.intDirection.Down Case Keys.Left cMovement.Direction = clsMovement.intDirection.Left Case Keys.Up cMovement.Direction = clsMovement.intDirection.Up End Select End Sub
The code for this article is available on GitHub.
I hope that you would agree that creating a snake game was quite fun. Most games are just logic—nothing else. After all, logic is what it is all about.