In the overabundance of .NET controls, one can probably forgive Microsoft for not having enough Properties for certain controls. On the other hand, some Properties are quite redundant, but that is just my opinion. I have always wanted an Opacity property for most .NET controls. It is probably an impractical thought, but it would have saved me a ton of hours manipulating and improving existing .NET controls.
Yes, you are able to set the Background color of controls to Transparent, but this causes the control to be completely see-through. What if you wanted the control to only be semi-transparent, or what if you wanted to be able to set the control’s opacity?
I’m sure I’m not alone on this.
To make controls semi-transparent, you would need to create a component that inherits from the desired control. This will cause the newly created component to act and look like the control in question. Then, you would have to override the existing control’s properties and methods.
In your project today, you will create a new Panel component, as stated above, add a new property named Opacity to the panel, override its Paint event to compensate for the new opacity settings, and add the semi-transparent parameter to the Panel window object. You can follow along in either C# or VB.NET.
Create a new Windows Forms project in either C# or VB.NET. Name it anything descriptive. Once the project has been created, add a Component to your project by selecting Project, Add Component. Figure 1 shows a dialog that will be displayed. Provide a nice name for your component.
Figure 1: Add Component
Add the necessary namespaces to your component.
using System.ComponentModel;
Imports System.ComponentModel
Ensure that your Panel object inherits from “Panel.”
public partial class Panel_C : Panel
Partial Public Class Panel_VB Inherits Panel
Add the Transparent Window setting. You will use this setting once you override the Window’s create parameters.
private const int WS_EX_TRANSPARENT = 0x20;
Private Const WS_EX_TRANSPARENT As Integer = &H20
WS_EX_TRANSPARENT specifies that a window created with this style is to be transparent. A full list of all the available Extended Windows Styles can be found here.
Add the Constructors.
public Panel_C() { InitializeComponent(); SetStyle(ControlStyles.Opaque, true); } public Panel_C(IContainer con) { con.Add(this); InitializeComponent(); }
Public Sub New() SetStyle(ControlStyles.Opaque, True) End Sub Public Sub New(con As IContainer) con.Add(Me) End Sub
Add the Opacity Property.
private int opacity = 50; [DefaultValue(50)] public int Opacity { get { return this.opacity; } set { if (value < 0 || value > 100) throw new ArgumentException("value must be between 0 and 100"); this.opacity = value; } }
Private iopacity As Integer = 50 <DefaultValue(50)> Public Property Opacity() As Integer Get Return Me.iopacity End Get Set If Value < 0 OrElse Value > 100 Then Throw New ArgumentException("value must be between _ 0 and 100") End If Me.iopacity = Value End Set End Property
You now will be able to choose this property from the Properties Window.
Override CreateParams.
protected override CreateParams CreateParams { get { CreateParams cpar = base.CreateParams; cpar.ExStyle = cpar.ExStyle | WS_EX_TRANSPARENT; return cpar; } }
Protected Overrides ReadOnly Property CreateParams () _ As CreateParams Get Dim cpar As CreateParams = MyBase.CreateParams cpar.ExStyle = cpar.ExStyle Or WS_EX_TRANSPARENT Return cpar End Get End Property
The CreateParams property gets all the required creation parameters when a control handle is created. Override OnPaint.
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) { using (var brush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb (this.opacity * 255 / 100, this.BackColor))) { e.Graphics.FillRectangle(brush, this.ClientRectangle); } base.OnPaint(e); }
Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(e As PaintEventArgs) Using brush = New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(Me.Opacity _ * 255 / 100, Me.BackColor)) e.Graphics.FillRectangle(brush, Me.ClientRectangle) End Using MyBase.OnPaint(e) End Sub
Here, you have created the Panel with the appropriate Opacity setting. Build your project. After you have built your project, you should notice your component in the Toolbox, as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Toolbox
Double-click the component in the toolbox and choose a BackColor. In the next image (see Figure 3), I have added a button, a standard panel, and the newly created component. I have set the Component’s BackColor to 255; 128; 128, and you can clearly see the button underneath it.
Figure 3: Transparent Panel in action
The source code for this article is available on GitHub.
When in need, create a user component. As you can see, components are very versatile and easy to manipulate. Semi-Transparent controls can be quite useful in a user interface and it is not difficult to create them.