Environment: VC++ 6.0 All Windows
I had to build an application that uses an ini file. When looking in CodeGuru I found Adam Clauss’ class CIniFile. The problem was that it wasn’t very intuitive to work with, so I took his idea of the Sections struct and improved it. I’m using the API functions GetPrivateProfileSectionNames, GetPrivateProfileSection, WritePrivateProfileSection, and WritePrivateProfileString. I believe this class is easier to use.
The class has this functions divided by groups and is very easy to use
after creating the object call Open( “c:MyProjectstest.ini”) or by calling SetPath(“c:MyProjectstest.ini”) call Open(). After that it is straightforward. You should note that unless you set DoNotWrite(), when you change something in the ini file the class will write the contents.
// operation on the sections and keys
int DeleteSection( CString strsectionname);
int DeleteKey( CString sectionname,
CString delkey);
int AddSection( CString sectionname);
int AddSection( CStringArray mKeys,
CStringArray mValues,
CString sectionname);
void AddKey( CString sectionname,
CString keyname,
CString value);// operations on the ini file
void SetPath( CString path);
BOOL Open( CString path);
BOOL Open();
BOOL Write();
void Reset();
void Close();
void DoNotWrite();// getters
CString GetKeyValue( CString sctionname,
CString keyname);
int GetSection( CStringArray &mKeys,
CStringArray &mValues,
CString sectionname);
CString GetSection( int sectionIndex);
int GetSetionsSize(){return Sections.GetSize();}
int GetKeysSize( CString sectionname);// setters
int SetKeyValue( CString sectionname,
CString keyname,
CString value);