101 Articles Written

Peter Shaw

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Connecting to SSH Servers in .NET

Recently, I had a requirement to monitor a Linux-based server from a Windows-based computer that was being used as a management station. Normally with...

Creating Webforms with Friendly URLs

If there's one stick the ASP.NET MVC crowd loves to rattle when comparing MVC and webforms, it's the restful/friendly URL one. From the get...

Base64 Encoding from C#

If you've done anything long term in the Web industry, it's likely that you will have come across "Base64 Encoding" at some point. Base64...

Using Objects as Parameters in C#

Hands up, how many of you create monster functions and methods in your projects? And no, I'm not on about routines that are a...

Making Sounds with Waves Using C#

One of the great things about writing software that runs under the .NET platform is the ability to play videos, music files, and to...

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TypeScript for the C# Developer: TypeScript Classes and Interfaces

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TypeScript for the C# Developer

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A Tipple with a Tuple

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Beginning C#: Boolean Logic

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Web Developers: Are Your Sites Using HTTPS?

I do a LOT of Web application development, and as such I need to keep up with the news...

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