Open StdAfx.h and window size/move

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Here is one to open the stdafx.h of the current project.

Sub stdafx()
‘DESCRIPTION: Opens the stdafx.h file of the current project.

proj_path = ActiveProject.fullname
ext = “”
pos = len (proj_path)
Do While ext <> “”
ext = Mid(proj_path, pos, 1)
pos = pos -1
proj_dir = left(proj_path, pos+1) & “stdafx.h” proj_dir
End Sub

Something else I found a pain was having to change from the keyboard to
the mouse because the MDI window wasn’t in the correct place or the
wrong size. I wrote the following one-liners and associated them with
the numeric keypad arrows and ctrl and alt to move/resize the windows.
ie Ctrl + Alt and 6 to widen the window. Its not the code more the idea
I find it relieves RSI type strain when using the mouse to often.

Sub WidenWindow()
ActiveWindow.Width = ActiveWindow.Width + 100
End Sub

Sub ShrinkWindow()
ActiveWindow.Width = ActiveWindow.Width – 100
End Sub

Sub MoveWindowLeft()
ActiveWindow.Left = ActiveWindow.Left -30
End Sub

Sub MoveWindowRight()
ActiveWindow.Left = ActiveWindow.Left +30
End Sub

Sub MoveWindowUp()
‘DESCRIPTION: Hmmm… I wonder what this does
ActiveWindow.Top = ActiveWindow.Top -30
End Sub

Sub MoveWindowDown()
ActiveWindow.Top = ActiveWindow.Top +30
End Sub

Sub IncreaseWindowHeight()
ActiveWindow.Height = ActiveWindow.Height +30
End Sub

Sub DecreaseWindowHeight()
ActiveWindow.Height = ActiveWindow.Height -30
End Sub

Sub MoveNW()
ActiveWindow.Left = 0
ActiveWindow.Top = 0
End Sub

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