The SP2 saga begins….
I believe that Windows XP Service Pack 2 is important, or
I wouldn’t keep mentioning it. I am also aware that it can
cause issues, which is why I keep bringing the topic to
your attention. This week Microsoft has listed a number of
programs (around 50) that have problems with the update.
Some are games, such as:
- Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2
- Unreal Tournamenet 2003
- Unreal Tournament Game of the Year Addition
- Star Trek StarFleet Command III 1.0
Others are your more standard programs such as:
- Visual Studio .Net (yes, their own programs)
- SQL (Microsoft’s)
- Ghost Server Corporate Edition 7.5
- Symantic AntiVirus Corporate Edition 8.0 & 9.0
- SMS 2003 Server (yes, also Microsoft’s)
- AutoCAD 2000, 2002, and 2004
- ColdFusion MX Server Edition 6
These are just a few of the programs that you could have
an issue with when installing SP2. For the list, you can
go to the following page on Microsoft support site:
As mentioned before, SP2 is a very big change. As
such, problems can be expected. The end results;
however, are expected to be a more secure system. As
such, the end results should be worth any pains. Time
will tell.
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