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This article extends the article “Resizable Docking Window 2” by
Cristi Posea.
Control bar like in DevStudio, which has TabControls with different Views (like TreeViews)
and it can be docked and resized.
Add the following class to your project:
Add a member variable to CMainFrame (in mainfrm.h).
CSizingTabCtrlBar m_wndSTCBar;
Create the bar in CMainFrame::OnCreate(). Then set bar styles, enable it to dock… like any
control bar. Be sure to add IDW_PROP_BAR to the “resource.h” and to add the bitmap IDB_TABIMAGES
to your resources.
// SizingControlBar m_wndSTCBar.Create(this, CSize(200, 1), IDW_PROP_BAR); m_wndSTCBar.SetBarStyle(m_wndToolBar.GetBarStyle() | CBRS_TOOLTIPS | CBRS_FLYBY | CBRS_SIZE_DYNAMIC); m_wndSTCBar.EnableDocking(CBRS_ALIGN_ANY); DockControlBar(&m_wndSTCBar, AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_LEFT); m_wndSTCBar.AddView("Database", RUNTIME_CLASS(CClassView)); m_wndSTCBar.AddView("Files", RUNTIME_CLASS(CFileView));
As you can see, the different views are added by calling
m_wndSTCBar.AddView("Files", RUNTIME_CLASS(CFileView));
Thats the only thing you have to do, to add a view!
Override CMainFrame::RecalcLayout().
Note: use the base framewnd class member function, ie if you have an SDI application
replace CMDIFrameWnd with CFrameWnd below.
void CMainFrame::RecalcLayout(BOOL bNotify) { CMDIFrameWnd::RecalcLayout(bNotify); CMDIFrameWnd::RecalcLayout(bNotify); }
To call a view from the Mainframe:
CFileView* pView = (CFileView*) m_wndSTCBar.GetView(RUNTIME_CLASS(CFileView)); pView->UpdateView(); // or do anything else m_wndSTCBar.SetActiveView(RUNTIME_CLASS(CFileView));
Last updated: 14 May 1998