Environment: VC6 SP5, NT4 SP3, Win9x, Win2k, and WinXP
After working with Remote Desktop from Microsoft, I saw the full-screen caption bar that came on top. The FullScreenHeader is a lookalike of that caption; it is made in Win32 and I’ve tried to make it somewhat customized.
This is my first Win32 app every released, and it may be errors in it. Please point out any errors that I may have made.
Why did I made this? Well, it is the really good opensource utility called RealVNC (http://www.realvnc.com). It is a “remote desktop” freeware with very nice clones. Check them out at UltraVNC (http://www.ultravnc.com) and TightVNC (http://www.tightvnc.com). Many features have been added and I’ve already implemented the caption in each of these versions. Hopefully, this will be integrated in feature releases of every VNC. If not, you can download all the versions from my Web site: http://lars.werner.no.
Using the Code
You need to add five resources to your project, plus one context menu, as shown in the following code snippet.
void CTitleBar::LoadPictures() { hClose=LoadBitmap(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_CLOSE)); hMaximize=LoadBitmap(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_MAXIMIZE)); hMinimize=LoadBitmap(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_MINIMIZE)); hPinUp=LoadBitmap(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_PINUP)); hPinDown=LoadBitmap(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_PINDOWN)); }
These pictures are included in the demo project. All pictures should be the same size, but you decide the width and height. See the “Customize” section for more info.
You also need to add a context menu to the resource; the default name is IDR_tbMENU. If you have set the tbLastIsStandard=TRUE, you have to add three “default” entries to the menu. From the bottom, they are Close, Minmize, and Restore. All IDs used on each item can be set to eg: IDC_NULL because it is not in use. The tbWMCOMMANDIDStart/End flag sets the range for the IDs used internally in a context menu.
If you want to add other entries to the context menu, you can add them above the three default entries if you’re using them. The parent will get an WM_USER+tbWMUSERID+nItem sent to its message queue. (See the “Customize” section for options that are available to you.)
Implementing in MFC
//Header CTitleBar *TitleBar; //Eg in OnInitDialog() procedure TitleBar=new CTitleBar(AfxGetInstanceHandle(), this->GetSafeHwnd()); //Eg on OnCancel() delete TitleBar;
You can also declare it without pointers:
//Header CTitleBar TitleBar; //Eg in OnInitDialog() procedure Title.Create(AfxGetInstanceHandle(), this->GetSafeHwnd());
Here is a simple Win32 example. It uses the desktop hwnd to create a child toolbar.
#include "stdafx.h" #include "res\\Resource.h" #include "FullScreenTitleBar.h" CTitleBar *TitleBar; int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { // TODO: Place code here. TitleBar=new CTitleBar(hInstance, ::GetDesktopWindow()); MSG msg; //Wait until loop is finished while ( GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0,0) ) { DispatchMessage(&msg); } //Delete and quit program delete TitleBar; return 0; }
This ends the section on how to implement the captionbar in Win32/MFC. Here are the rest of the public variables:
void Create(HINSTANCE hInst, HWND ParentWindow)
—Create a new caption barvoid SetText(LPTSTR TextOut)
—Set a headertextvoid DisplayWindow(BOOL Show, BOOL SetHideFlag=FALSE)
—Displaywindow is an alternative to showwindow. It adds the “slide” of the window. The option “SetTheHideflag” is a override; when it is true, the window will scroll to the top and it will call a ShowWindow(m_hWnd, SW_HIDE)HWND GetSafeHwnd()
—Returns the HWND for the main window
There are several options that might be changed at compile time for the captionbar. Here is a complete list:
Option | Default Value | Description |
#define tbWidth | 500 | Width of caption bar |
#define tbHeight | 20 | Height of caption bar |
#define tbcxPicture | 16 | Default size of picture (cx) |
#define tbcyPicture | 14 | Default size of picture (cy) |
#define tbTopSpace | 3 | Top margin |
#define tbLeftSpace | 20 | Left margin |
#define tbRightSpace | 20 | Right margin |
#define tbButtonSpace | 1 | Space between buttons |
#define tbFont | “Arial” | Font name used in the caption |
#define tbFontSize | 10 | Size of font |
#define tbTextColor | RGB(255,255,255) | Color of text |
#define tbStartColor | RGB(0,128,192) | Background color – Start of gradient |
#define tbEndColor | RGB(0,0,192) | Background color – End of gradient |
#define tbGradientWay | TRUE | TRUE = Vertical, FALSE = Horiz. If you don’t like the gradient, set tbStartColor=tbEndColor |
#define tbBorderPenColor | RGB(255,255,255) | Color of the border around caption bar |
#define tbBorderPenShadow | RGB(100,100,100) | Color of the shadow of the caption bar (bottom) |
#define tbTriangularPoint | 10 | Triangularpoint is how many pixels it should move on the 1eft and right side to make the captionbar not so like the other captionbars |
#define tbBorderWidth | 2 | Width of the pen used to draw the border |
#define tbHideAtStartup | TRUE | Hide window when created |
#define tbPinNotPushedIn | FALSE | Is the pin pushed in or out at startup (INVERTED!) |
#define tbScrollWindow | TRUE | Animate window to scroll up/down |
#define tbScrollDelay | 20 | Timer variable for scrolling the window (cycletime) [ms] |
#define tbAutoScrollTime | 10 | tbAutoScrollDelay milliseconds steps. If it is 10, then = 10 (steps)
100ms (tbAutoScrollDelay) = 1000ms delay |
#define tbScrollTimerID | 1 | Timer id – Internally used, but it can cause conflicts! |
#define tbAutoScrollTimer | 2 | Timer id – Internally used, but it can cause conflicts! |
#define tbAutoScrollDelay | 100 | Timer variable for how many times the cursor is not over the window. If it is tbAutoScrollTime, it will hide if autohide |
#define tbIDC_CLOSE | 10 | Resource ID – close button |
#define tbIDC_MAXIMIZE | 20 | Resource ID – maximize button |
#define tbIDC_MINIMIZE | 30 | Resource ID – minimize button |
#define tbIDC_PIN | 40 | Resource ID – pin button |
#define tbDefault | FALSE | FALSE = Send a custom WM message, TRUE = Send Minimize, maximize, and close to parent (normal Sendmessage and Showmessage commands) |
#define tbWM_CLOSE | WM_USER+1000 | Message to send to parent on close event |
#define tbWM_MINIMIZE | WM_USER+1001 | Message to send to parent on minimize event |
#define tbWM_MAXIMIZE | WM_USER+1002 | Message to send to parent on maximize event |
#define tbMENUID | IDR_tbMENU | Resource name for the context menu |
#define tbWMCOMMANDIDStart | 50000 | Start: This is the internal id number sent into the WM_COMMAND on each item |
#define tbWMCOMMANDIDEnd | 51000 | End: This is the internal id number sent into the WM_COMMAND on each item |
#define tbWMUSERID | 2000 | This is WM_USER+n setting. Eg: if first item is clicked, you will get an WM_USER+n+0 to the parent, and WM_USER+n+1 for the next item, etc. etc. (sent to parent) |
#define tbLastIsStandard | TRUE | TRUE = Bottom of the menu is close, minimize and restore
FALSE = Every item is sent as WM_USER+n to parent |
All other variables (private) should not be tweaked; it may cause failure in other procedures in the program. Modify these at your own risk.
Known Issues
Sometimes, when you delete the caption bar, a destroywindow is called. Because the window is made as a child, it will send a message to the parent asking it to be closed. This might cause the parent to close also. A solution to this problem is to create the caption bar at run time, hide it, and show it as you need it. And, when the main program closes, you can destroy the object. This bug will be sorted out in a later version.
If you encounter the situation where no messages are being sent to your parent window, please check the tbDefault variable. If the user presses the context menu, it will send a “click” to any of the buttons in the parent, and use the parameters used for the buttons.
Version History
First release (non-public): V1.0
First release: v1.1