Zooming and Panning an Orthographic Projection

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This article assumes that you understand how to set-up OpenGL
in a CView derived class.

Zooming and panning an orthographic projection can be done by
manipulating the projection matrix. In the following function,
SetupOrtho(int cx, int cy), values for the real world origin and
maximum coordinate values are used to set up the clip rectangle.
First, the viewport is set to the width and height of the views
client area. The desired rectangle, in world coordinates, is
adjusted based on the diminsions of the client area.

SetupOrtho(int cx, int cy) is called by the OnSize() handler
and by any function that wants to change the zoom or pan of the
window. The window is invalidated and the views OnDraw(CDC* pDC)
member function is called. The OnDraw places the new matrix on
the current matrix stack and the scene is rendered on the back
buffer. The buffer’s are then swapped.

In the following code, xOrg, yOrg, xMax, and yMax are member
variables used to store the current clip rectangle

void CGLView::SetupOrtho(int cx, int cy)
	if( 0 >= cx || 0 >= cy ) return;

	//Set viewport dimensions
	::glViewport(0, 0, cx, cy);

	// OK, now save the dimensions of the window
	m_width = cx;
	m_height = cy;

	// Now that the viewport dimensions are set up,
	//  we can set up the projection matrix.

	// select the viewing volumn
	::glMatrixMode ( GL_PROJECTION );
	::glLoadIdentity ();

	GLdouble dx = xMax - xOrg;
	GLdouble dy = yMax - yOrg;
	double aspect_ratio;
	if(fabs(dx) > 0.001 || fabs(dy) > 0.001)//Controls how far you can zoom in
		if(dx >= dy)

			GLdouble dY = dx * m_height / m_width;
			GLdouble yMax = yOrg  + dY;
			::glOrtho( xOrg, xMax, yOrg, yMax, -zMax, zMax);
			GLdouble dX = dy * m_width / m_height;
			GLdouble xMax = xOrg + dX;
			::glOrtho( xOrg, xMax, yOrg, yMax, -zMax, zMax);

	// switch back to the modelview matrix and clear it
	::glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );

Overridden version of SetupOrtho that uses the client rect:

void CGLView::SetupOrtho()
	//Get the client rect
	CRect rect;

	//Now save the dimensions of the window

	m_width = rect.Width();
	m_height = rect.Height();

	//Use client rect to set up viewport when SetupOrtho is called
	SetupOrtho(rect.Width(), rect.Height());

OnSize() calls SetupOrtho(int cx, int cy):

void CGLView::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy)
	CView::OnSize(nType, cx, cy);
	SetupOrtho(cx, cy);

OnDraw renders the scene:

void CGLView::OnDraw(CDC* pDC)

	HDC hdc;
	HGLRC rc;

	//The following two lines are needed for splinter windows and MDI applications
	CGLView::GetCurrent(hdc, rc);//Store Current rendering context and it's HDC
	MakeActive();//Make this current OpenGL View

	//Clear back buffer

	//Push new matrix onto stack

	//Do any drawing on back buffer

	//Restore stack

	// Tell OpenGL to flush its pipeline
	// Now Swap the buffers

	CGLView::SetCurrent(hdc, rc);//Reset last rendering context


The following functions are called by OnDraw()

BOOL CGLView::MakeActive()
	return SetCurrent(m_pDC->GetSafeHdc(), m_hRC);

void CGLView::GetCurrent(HDC& hdc, HGLRC& rc)
	hdc = ::wglGetCurrentDC();
	rc =  ::wglGetCurrentContext();

BOOL CGLView::SetCurrent(HDC hdc, HGLRC rc)
	//Set the current rendering context
	if (FALSE == ::wglMakeCurrent(hdc, rc))
		return FALSE;
	return TRUE;

void CGLView::RenderScene()
	//draw anything you want in here

Example mouse handlers:

void CGLView::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)

	CView::OnLButtonDown(nFlags, point);
	GLdouble modelMatrix[16];
	GLdouble projMatrix[16];
	GLint viewport[4];
	GLdouble objx, objy, objz;
	glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, modelMatrix);
	glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, projMatrix);
	glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, viewport);
	CRect rect;
	int y = rect.Height() - point.y;
	gluUnProject(point.x, y, 0,
					modelMatrix, projMatrix, viewport,
					&objx, &objy, &objz);

				m_EndPoint.east = m_StartPoint.east = objx;
				m_EndPoint.north = m_StartPoint.north = objy;
				m_EndPoint.elev = m_StartPoint.elev = objz;
				m_FirstPickPoint = TRUE;
				m_StartPosition.x = m_CursorPosition.x = point.x;
				m_StartPosition.y = m_CursorPosition.y = point.y;

			case ID_PAN:
				m_EndPoint.east = m_StartPoint.east = objx;
				m_EndPoint.north = m_StartPoint.north = objy;
				m_EndPoint.elev = m_StartPoint.elev = objz;
				m_FirstPickPoint = TRUE;
				m_StartPosition.x = m_CursorPosition.x = point.x;
				m_StartPosition.y = m_CursorPosition.y = point.y;


				m_PrevZoomLeft.east = xOrg;
				m_PrevZoomLeft.north = yOrg;
				m_PrevZoomLeft.elev = -zMax;
				m_PrevZoomRight.east = xMax;
				m_PrevZoomRight.north = yMax;
				m_PrevZoomRight.elev = zMax;

				m_CursorPosition.x = point.x;
				m_CursorPosition.y = point.y;

				m_EndPoint.east = objx;
				m_EndPoint.north = objy;
				m_EndPoint.elev = objz;
				xOrg = min(m_StartPoint.east, m_EndPoint.east);
				xMax = max(m_StartPoint.east, m_EndPoint.east);
				yOrg = min(m_StartPoint.north, m_EndPoint.north);
				yMax = max(m_StartPoint.north, m_EndPoint.north);
				currTool = -1;
				m_FirstPickPoint = FALSE;
			case ID_PAN:
				m_PrevZoomLeft.east = xOrg;
				m_PrevZoomLeft.north = yOrg;
				m_PrevZoomLeft.elev = -zMax;
				m_PrevZoomRight.east = xMax;
				m_PrevZoomRight.north = yMax;
				m_PrevZoomRight.elev = zMax;

				m_CursorPosition.x = point.x;
				m_CursorPosition.y = point.y;

				m_EndPoint.east = objx;
				m_EndPoint.north = objy;
				m_EndPoint.elev = objz;
				GLdouble DE = m_EndPoint.east - m_StartPoint.east;
				GLdouble DN = m_EndPoint.north - m_StartPoint.north;
				xOrg -= DE;
				xMax -= DE;
				yOrg -= DN;
				yMax -= DN;
				currTool = -1;
				m_FirstPickPoint = FALSE;


void CGLView::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)

	CView::OnMouseMove(nFlags, point);

	if(currTool == ID_ZOOM_WINDOW)

	if(currTool == ID_PAN)

	m_CursorPosition.x = point.x;
	m_CursorPosition.y = point.y;
	GLdouble modelMatrix[16];
	GLdouble projMatrix[16];
	GLint viewport[4];
	GLdouble objx, objy, objz;

	glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, modelMatrix);
	glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, projMatrix);
	glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, viewport);

	CRect rect;
	point.y = rect.Height() - point.y;
	gluUnProject(point.x, point.y, 0,
					modelMatrix, projMatrix, viewport,
					&objx, &objy, &objz);

	m_EndPoint.east = m_MovePoint.east = objx;
	m_EndPoint.north = m_MovePoint.north = objy;
	m_EndPoint.elev = m_MovePoint.elev = objz;

	if(currTool == ID_ZOOM_WINDOW)

	if(currTool == ID_PAN)

Fosner, Ron. OpenGL Programming for Windows 95 and Windows NT. Reading Mass.:Addison-Wesley, 1996.
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