Environment: Win9x, Windows NT/2000, DirectX Installed
DirectInput is essential for responsive games, therefore to help ease the
transition of DOS games programmers, you can use this class to read the keyboard
direct trapping input before Windows starts performing it translation
To use the class, define a global variable :-
CDIKeyboard myKeyboard;
You will have to supply the HWND for the parent window under which you wish
to take Keyboard Control.
The class has the following public methods:-
Set the windows handle to which Direct Input Will be attached to.
Must be the Parent Window. -
void CDIKeyboard.SetHWND(CWnd*)
Set the windows handle to which Direct Input Will be attached to.
Must be the Parent Window. MFC Version.CDIKeyboard mkbrd; mkbrd.SetHWND(this);
bool CDIKeyboard.PollDevice(void)
Obtain and update the keyboard state information.
bool CDIKeyboard.IsKeyPressed(unsigned char)
returns true if a DIK_KEY is pressed, false if not. Example:
bool CDIKeyboard.Acquire(bool state)
the Keyboard Device. You will need to Unacquire the device if you
want Windows to handle WM_CHAR, WM_KEYUP, WM_KEYDOWN messages.state=true To Acquire
state=false To UnAcquireReturns : true=Operation Successful, false=Operation unsuccessful
Before obtaining keyboard state information you will need to set the HWND of
the parent window of your application. Use PollDevice method before
checking the Keyboard state information and IsKeyPressed(key) method to check a
particular key has been pressed.
The following code snippet can be used to show which keys have been pressed
bool m_bInput; myKeyboard.PollDevice(); m_bInput=myKeyboard.IsKeyPressed(DIK_F1)?true:false;