Have you ever thought of displaying an interactive Google Map on your Windows Forms application? Using GDS Google Map Control, you can easily achieve this goal.
1 Install, register and setup
Download GdsGoogleMapSetup.msi from Run it and follow the instructions on the screen to install it. Then run GdsGoogleMapRegister.exe to register for either 30 day trial period or licensed version. Then, read GdsGoogleMapProgrammingGuide.pdf to add GdsGoogleMap.dll into Visual Studio Toolbox.
2 Create a Map consisting of markers and icons
2.1 Create a new Windows Forms Project and name it as â??MarkerIconsMapâ??; Then download two free 32 x 32 icons to use as TDBank32 and TDBankHighlight32 and add them into the resource
2.2 Create the GUI as shown in Fig 01