By Wayne Berry
In this issue of 15 Seconds we will show you how to share the same cookie across multiple sub-domains and multiple domains. We will also discuss sharing state information across web farms using SQL Server. The examples in this issue highlight the power of redirection within Active Server page and enforce the concepts that are related to cookie manipulation.
Sharing Cookies Between Sub Domains
A sub-domain is a subset of the main domain that has a separate IP. For example, if you purchase the domain
from the INTERNIC you can break it down into sub domains like the following:
You can issue a cookie on the sub-domain like this:
Example 1
This cookie will only last for the length of the user session, defined by the amount of time that browser stays open. The cookie’s scope is just the
domain. If you request this cookie on other sub domains within the same domain you will not be able to get the value associated to UID
You can solve this problem by substituting the code in Example 2 for the code in Example 1.
Example 2
Response.Cookies(“UID”).Domain = “”
By setting the Domain
property of the cookie to the domain of the sub domain you instruct the browser to send the cookie to all sub domains. Notice the period before the domain name, this is very important. RFC 2109 specifies that the Domain setting on cookies must have two periods.
Sharing Cookies Between Domains
Sharing cookies between domains is trickier then sharing cookies between sub-domains of a single domain. An example of this working is the three domains owned by Microsoft,,, and, these three domains share the same cookie for each user. To share a cookie between domains, you will need two domains, for example
. One of the domains will issue the cookies and the other domain will ask the first domain what cookie should be issued to the client. In this case
will issue the cookie and
will use the cookie issued by
Here is the code that
will use to issue the cookie:
Example 3 :
If ((IsNull(UID)) OR (Len(UID)=0)) Then
Set UIDGen=Server.CreateObject(“SMUM.Example.1”)
‘Here is the method call to assign the cookie
UID = UIDGen.GetCookie()Response.Cookies(“UID”)= UID
Response.Cookies(“UID”).Expires = “December 31, 1999”End If
The object created in this example was demonstrated in the Apr 22, 1997 issue of 15 Seconds entitled: “Active Server Components with VB 5.0.” You can download just the object from this issue (provided below) and use it in the code above. When the GetCookie method is called, a random 128-bit number is produced that is guaranteed to be unique to the user. UID stands for Unqiue IDentifer.
Notice that this code is contained in a file that can be included at the top of all Active Server pages within the
Requesting Cookie from Another Domain.
Now the interesting part, how does
get the same cookie from
. This technique is implemented through a set of redirects. Let’s take a look at the code that is implemented on
Example 4 :
If ((IsNull(UID)) OR (Len(UID)=0)) Then
strQueryString=Request.ServerVariables(“QUERY_STRING”))If (Len(strQueryString)>0) Then
strReturn= Server.URLEncode(strURL & “?” & strQueryString)
strReturn= Server.URLEncode(strURL)
End IfRespone.Redirect(“” & strReturn)
End If
Notice that we do not actually assign the cookie in this page. Instead, if there is no cookie available we redirect to a special page on
. We also bundle up the address of the page we are on for future use. Let’s take a look at slave.asp:
Example 5 : slave.asp
<!–#include virtual=”/”–><%
Response.Redirect(“” & strReturn & “&UID=” & UID)
Notice that we included
from Example 3. Since slave.asp
resides on
the cookie that is issued in
has a scope of just
. If the user didn’t have a cookie on
they are given one, because of the code in
. This way if they are visiting
first and then visit
they will have the same cookie. If the user already has a cookie from
and they visit
for the first time they will be redirected to slave.asp
where that cookie will be retrieved. Because the cookie only has the scope of the domain that it is issued on we have to redirect to the master domain to get the cookie and then redirect back to the slave domain.
Here is the code for return.asp
which resides on
Example 6 : return.asp
<%UID = Request (“UID”)
strReturn=Request(“Return”)Response.Cookies(“UID”)= UID
Response.Cookies(“UID”).Expires = “December 31, 1999”Response.Redirect(strReturn)
Notice that return.asp
sets the UID cookie to the UID that is passed from slave.asp
. Because
passes the same UID as it uses for a cookie, both servers end up with the same cookie for the same user. In other words the user ends up with two cookies on their machine, one from
and one from
, and they equal the same UID. Also note that the final redirect is back to the page the user requested on
, the redirect uses the return information that the
bundled up. Return.asp
should always be called from slave.asp
and for no other reason.
[110897_1.gif”>View Diagram]
Figure 1: Diagram
In summary, every active server page should include
at the top of the page and if a cookie needs to be set
will handle the problem.
Error Handling
Because we wanted to make the examples easy to understand, we didn’t add any error handle. However, if the client browser did not accept cookies, then the code demonstrated above would cause an endless loop of redirection. For this reason we need to change Example 6 to read:
Example 7 : return.asp
<%UID = Request (“UID”)
strReturn=Server.URLEncode(Request(“Return”))Response.Cookies(“UID”)= UID
Response.Cookies(“UID”).Expires = “December 31, 1999”Response.Redirect(“” & strReturn)
Now we can add test.asp
which tests to make sure that the cookie took. Here is what the code looks like:
Example 8 : return.asp
<%UID = Request.Cookies(“UID”)
If Not ((IsNull(UID)) OR (Len(UID)=0)) Then
End If
<H1>You must a browser that accept cookies on</H1>
If the user doesn’t have a cookie from
and he requests a page that has
included, they will be issued a cookie. This scenario is the best case scenario. If the user doesn’t have a cookie from
and he requests a page that has
included and they haven’t visited
then they will have to undergo four redirects and be issued two cookies. This is the worst case scenario. Fortunately, the worst case scenario only happens once. All requests after that do not have to undergo any redirects. In the worst case scenario, it is best to use a technique that produces a random number quickly, because the user will be confused if they see to many redirections on their first page request. The technique of using a COM object to issue a random UID is much quicker then getting a IDENTITY value from SQL Server.
Sharing More Then One Cookie
The more cookies you try to share with this technique, the harder the problem becomes. It is recommend that you use a different approach to storing state and user information besides cookies. Once you have the UID of the user, you can use the UID to get other information about that user from SQL Server. Using the UID as a primary key to the database enables you to use only one cookie in your web application. This makes the technique mentioned above usable.
Web Farms
Web farms are more then one Web server serving the same information with the same domain name. Each machine has a separate IP, but the domain name server uses a technique called round-robin to give clients a different IP with every request. Because the clients receive a different IP for every request they are directed to a different server for each page. Web farms distribute the requested load across multiple machines making the site appear faster.
Because, session variables are stored in the RAM on each machine, session variables that are set on one machine are not the same on another machine in a web farm. For this reason you can not use session variables in a web farm. However, instead of session variables you can use a cookie which is a primary key to a SQL Server database that stores the state information for the user. As long as all the machines in the web farm are writing to the same SQL Server you can share state information between all the machines in a web farm. And because each machine has the same domain name, the client returns the same cookie to each machine making the distribution of the primary keys a trivial matter.
Further Reading