This control class CPieChartCtrl is derived from CWnd. The purpose is to create a
simple 2D pie chart in a dialog. The code is created and compiled with Visual C++ 5.0 SP3
under Windows 98.
How to use
1. Use the MS Visual C++ dialog editor to place a custom control on the dialog, and
enter "PIE_CHART_CTRL" as the Class name.
2. Add a CPieChartCtrl class member in the header file
#include "PieChartCtrl.h" ... CPieChartCtrl m_wndChart;
3. Subclass the class member with the control in InitDialog()
m_wndChart.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_PIECHART1, this); //IDC_PIECHART1 is the control ID
4. Use these functions to edit to chart
// SetTitle(CString) - Set the chart title text m_wndChart.SetTitle("Chart Title"); // Reset() - Reset the chart and delete all pieces m_wndChart.Reset(); // AddPiece(COLORREF colorBack, COLORREF colorText, // int nAngle, int strInfo = ""); // Add one piece into the chart m_wndChart.AddPiece(colorBack, colorText, nAngle, strInfo);
Last updated: 12 August 1998