Step 1 : Creating the Project
Start Visual C++ en create a simple dialog based application labelled “Graph”
Step 2 : Add the MSChart OCX to Your Project
Select “project menu” option and select “Components and contols” and then choose the MSChart component en click “add”
Step 3 : Add the MSChart OCX to Your Dialog
Select resources view tab en open the main dialog (Its a simple dialog based application). Drop the ocx on your dialog.
Now, label your Chart “IDC_MSCAHRT1”
Now, choose menu option “Classwizard” to create a member variable of your chart labelled “m_Chart”
Step 4: Add the Code
Now add a bouton labeled “Go” to your dialog. Double click it to edit the code and add the
following code in the On_Go function:
COleSafeArray saRet; DWORD numElements[] = {10, 10}; // 10x10 // Create the safe-array... saRet.Create(VT_R8, 2, numElements); // Initialize it with values... long index[2]; for(index[0]=0; index[0]<10; index[0]++) { for(index[1]=0; index[1]<10; index[1]++) { double val = index[0] + index[1]*10; saRet.PutElement(index, &val); } } // Return the safe-array encapsulated in a VARIANT... m_Chart.SetChartData(saRet.Detach()); m_Chart.Refresh;
Step 5: Building and Running the Application
Build and execute your app, then click the “Go” button. Here is the result: