Grid Control Showing Associations

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What it is:

This Grid Control (CGridCtrl) allows you to display a 2-Dimensional
grid with check marks in it. It can be used to show associations of
the two columns. For example the Screen Shot is a grid of NFL football
teams. Each check mark represents a game which will be played. In the
example app, you can change the font style and size by clicking on the
Change Font button. You can add new rows and columns by
inputting a name into the Name edit box and pressing the Add
or Add Column buttons. Selecting the OK button
will save the grid to a file to be loaded on the next session. Click
the Cancel button to exit without saving. There is also
functionality in the class to remove rows and columns, but the example
application does not demonstrate it.

The Idea:

We wanted a grid which could display an ON/OFF state of two
factors. In our case if a user was a member of a certain security
group. The problem was that a normal grid got unnecessarily wide
because there were so many columns. The idea behind this grid is to
show several columns by slanting the column header text to 45
degrees. The grid control also supports Tool Tips and
Serialization. So you can store the grid to a file and restore it in a
later session.

How To Use:

Using the CGridCtrl class is simple. First you will need to add the
CGridCtrl.h (cpp) files to your project. You might want to rebuild
your class wizard database so that it knows about the new classes in
your project. Add the window to your dialog by using the resource
editor. Using class wizard, add a member variable for the window using
the CGridCtrl class as the variable type. In the dialog’s OnInitDialog
method, add a calls to the control’s AddColumn, AddRow and SetCheck
methods to create the grid. You can also call a Serialize method to
create the grid from a file. Take a look at the example application’s
code to see how this is done.

BOOL CGridTestDlg::OnInitDialog()

    // Attempt to load the grid from a previously saved File. 
    CFile fileArchive;
    if (fileArchive.Open("GridTest.dat", CFile::modeRead))
        CArchive archive(&fileArchive, CArchive::load);

        // Serialize the window state object 
    else // The file did not exist.  Do the default thing. 
        // Add all of the rows. 
        m_wndGrid.AddRow("Broncos", FALSE);
        m_wndGrid.AddRow("Packers", FALSE);
        m_wndGrid.AddRow("Dolphins", FALSE);
        m_wndGrid.AddRow("Niners", FALSE);
        m_wndGrid.AddRow("Cowboys", FALSE);
        m_wndGrid.AddRow("Jets", FALSE);
        m_wndGrid.AddRow("Redskins", FALSE);
        m_wndGrid.AddRow("Colts", FALSE);
        m_wndGrid.AddRow("Bucaneers", FALSE);
        m_wndGrid.AddRow("Chiefs", FALSE);
        m_wndGrid.AddRow("Raiders", FALSE);

        // Add all of the columns 
        m_wndGrid.AddColumn("Broncos", FALSE);
        m_wndGrid.AddColumn("Packers", FALSE);
        m_wndGrid.AddColumn("Dolphins", FALSE);
        m_wndGrid.AddColumn("Niners", FALSE);
        m_wndGrid.AddColumn("Cowboys", FALSE);
        m_wndGrid.AddColumn("Jets", FALSE);
        m_wndGrid.AddColumn("Redskins", FALSE);
        m_wndGrid.AddColumn("Colts", FALSE);
        m_wndGrid.AddColumn("Bucaneers", FALSE);
        m_wndGrid.AddColumn("Chiefs", FALSE);
        m_wndGrid.AddColumn("Raiders", TRUE);

        // NOTE: the final call to create the last column passes 
        // a TRUE value to initialize the grid and prepare it for 
        // drawing. 

        // Set the check marks passing in the row and column. 
        m_wndGrid.ToggleCheck(0, 1);
        m_wndGrid.ToggleCheck(1, 0);
        m_wndGrid.ToggleCheck(2, 3);

    return TRUE;  // return TRUE  unless you set the focus to a control 

CGridCtrl Manipulation (Public Methods):

virtual void Serialize(CArchive& ar)

Used to store or load a grid to/from a data file.

void Initialize()

Used to Initialize all of the drawing data used to draw the control.
(Must be done before drawing the control)

void AddColumn(CString strColumn, BOOL bReInitialize = TRUE)

Adds a new column to the grid. Reinitializes the drawing parameters if flag is set.

void AddRow(CString strRow, BOOL bReInitialize = TRUE)

Adds a new row to the grid. Reinitializes the drawing parameters if flag is set.

BOOL RenameColumn(int nIndex, CString strColumn)

Renames the column at the given index to the given string.

BOOL RenameColumn(CString strOld, CString strNew)

Renames the column with the given name to the given string.

BOOL RenameRow(int nIndex, CString strRow)

Renames the row at the given index to the given string.

BOOL RenameRow(CString strOld, CString strNew)

Renames the row with the given name to the given string.

BOOL DeleteColumn(int nIndex)

Removes the column at the given index from the grid.

BOOL DeleteColumn(CString strColumn)

Removes the column with the given name from the grid.

BOOL DeleteRow(int nIndex)

Removes the row at the given index from the grid.

BOOL DeleteRow(CString strRow)

Removes the row with the given name from the grid.

void ToggleCheck(int nColumn, int nRow)

Toggle the check mark on and off at the given column and row indexes.

BOOL IsChecked(int nColumn, int nRow)

Returns TRUE if the given column and row are checked. FALSE otherwise.

int GetNumColumns()

Returns the number of columns in the grid.

int GetNumRows()

Returns the number of rows in the grid.

void SetFontStyle(CString strFont)

Sets a new font style for text in the grid. Redraws the control.

void SetFontSize(int nHeight)

Sets a new font size for text in the grid. Redraws the control.

int GetFontSize()

Returns the size of the font used for drawing the grid.

CString GetFontStyle()

Returns the face name of the font used for drawing the grid.

Download source and demo application – 31 KB .

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