Extended statusbar with bitmap, progress bar and mouse action

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With the XStatusBar-class it is very easy to
display text, numbers, bitmaps or progressbars in a statusbar. It
also provides temporary display of text in any pane with
automatic restore of the normal appearance. For example, it is
possible to display a scrolling bitmap in a pane but during a
long operation, a progressbar indicates how long it takes. The
class also provides actions when you click in any pane (also in
dialogbased applications).

In this example, the first pane temporarily changes to a
progressbar. When the long operation ends, it automaticly changes
back to a normal textpane.

What have you to do, to use this class?

The use the XStatusBar-class is quite simple.
First you have change the existing CStatusBar-member
m_wndStatusBar to XStatusBar in your mainframe-headerfile.

XStatusBar m_wndStatusBar;

Second, replace the creation-functions in the
OnCreate()-method of CMainFrame by:

	if(!m_wndStatusBar.CreateStatusBar(this, indicators, sizeof(indicators)/sizeof(UINT)))
		TRACE0("Failed to create status bar\n");
		return -1;

Third, define the appearance of the panes. For example

	m_wndStatusBar.SetMode(1, XSB_TEXT | DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER);
	m_wndStatusBar.SetMode(2, XSB_NUMBER | DT_CENTER);
	m_wndStatusBar.SetMode(3, XSB_BITMAP| XSB_REPEAT);

For each pane, you can combine the following modes:

XSB_TEST Display text in this pane
XSB_NUMBER Display a number in this pane
XSB_BITMAP Display a bitmap in this pane
XSB_PROGRESS Display a progressbar in this pane
XSB_HSCROLL Scroll the text, number or bitmap in this pane
XSB_VSCROLL Scroll the text, number or bitmap in this pane
XSB_DSCROLL Scroll horizontal and vertical
XSB_REPEAT Draw the text, number or bitmap multiple times to
fill the pane
XSB_STRETCH Grow or shrink the bitmap, so that the entire pane
was filled
XSB_SMOOTH Progressbar was drawn smooth
XSB_TOP Align top (like DT_TOP)
XSB_LEFT Align left (like DT_LEFT)
XSB_CENTER Align center (like DT_CENTER)
XSB_RIGHT Align right (like DT_RIGHT)
XSB_VCENTER Align vertical center (like DT_VCENTER)
XSB_BOTTOM Align bottom (like DT_BOTTOM)

You can change the mode for every Pane whenever you want.

Fourth, after the mode-definition, you have to tell the panes about further information:

	m_wndStatusBar.SetFgColor(1, RGB( 0, 0, 0), RGB(255, 255, 255));
	m_wndStatusBar.SetBkColor(1, RGB( 0, 255, 255), RGB(128, 0, 0));
	m_wndStatusBar.SetNumber(2, 0, 0);
	m_wndStatusBar.SetBitmap(3, "BM1", "BM2");

There are a couple of functions to change the appearance of
the panes:

Method Description Default
SetFgColor Set the pane’s textcolor (Mode XSB_TEXT or
enabled: standard textcolor (e.g. black)
disabled: greyed text (e.g. grey)
SetBkColor Set the pane’s backgroundcolor (Mode XSB_TEXT or
std-backgroundcolor (e.g. light grey)
SetBitmap Set the pane’s bitmap (Mode XSB_BITMAP)*
The bitmaps are defined as stringresources.
If you use int-resource use MAKEINTRESOURCE(..)
SetText Set the pane’s text (Mode XSB_TEXT or XSB_NUMBER) * Indicatortext (e.g. CAPS, NUM, …)
SetNumber Set the pane’s number (Mode XSB_TEXT or XSB_NUMBER) *
SetFont Set the pane’s font (LOGFONT or CFont, Mode XSB_TEXT
standard textfont (e.g. MS Sans Serif 10pt)
SetFontSize Set the pane’s fontsize (Mode XSB_TEXT or XSB_NUMBER) standard textfontsize (e.g. 10pt)
SetFontName Set the pane’s fontname (Mode XSB_TEXT or XSB_NUMBER) standard textfontname (e.g. MS Sans Serif)
SetRange Set the pane’s progressbarrange (see CProgressBar,
0 .. 100
SetPos Set the pane’s progressbarposition (see CProgressBar,
SetOffset Set the pane’s progressbaroffset (see CProgressBar,
SetStep Set the pane’s progressbarstep (see CProgressBar,
Increment Incremet the pane’s numbervalue (Mode XSB_NUMBER)
Decrement Decremet the pane’s numbervalue (Mode XSB_NUMBER)
* Remeber: You can set two values, one
for the enabled pane and one for the disabled pane


If you only need textpanes, like the standard-statusbar you
don’t need to do step 3 and 4. Now you are ready to use the

What have you to do, to temporarily display a progress bar?

First you have to save the pane’s appearance with SavePane(ix).
Then you can change the mode of the pane to XSB_PROGRESS and set
the progress bars parameters (e.g. SetRange(ix, 0, 100),
SetStep(ix, 2), …). Now it’s time to do your
long operation and step your progressbar (StepIt(ix)).
At last, restore the pane’s appearance (RestorePane(ix)).

	m_wndStatusBar.SetMode(0, XSB_PROGRESS);
	m_wndStatusBar.SetRange(0, 0, 100);
	(long operation)

What have you to do, to temporarily display a text?

There is another class called XPaneText, to
simplify this action. When you want to show temporar text in a
pane (no matter if the pane is enabled or disabled) just create a
XPaneText-object with the specified text. When you destroy the
object, the original appearance of the pane was restored. For
example, the following code displays the text "Display this
text" in the first pane until you end the dialog. There’s no
matter if the pane was in bitmap-mode or if it was disabled.

	XPaneText("Display this text");
	CTestDialog dlg;
} // Destroy the XPaneText-object ==> Restore pane

How does the application know, which pane was clicked?

First you have to add a normal handler for the mouse-event
(for example ON_WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK()). In the eventhandler, use the
function GetPaneAtPosition(point) to determine,
wich pane belongs to the mouse-position. This function also works
fine in dialogs, because in this case, the point was translatet
into client-corrdinates.

void CMainFrame::OnLButtonDblClk(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
	if (m_wndStatusBar.GetPaneAtPosition(point) == 3)
		AfxMessageBox("Pane 3 doubleclicked");

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