This is COM Component and by using this control u can display bar, pie and line charts. Is supports 2D/3D Dimension, Brusted Pie, 3Dangle, 3Dthichness, background color, Brusted angle, half/full/back half Pie, Dash color, label offset, Dash line width, spot size, print scale, print value, slice separator color, slice width and spot offset properties.
The sample application is along with this control.
The IID_IelxChart interface exposes the following functions.
- To add chart data:
- AddDataEx
- AddData
- To set chart type:
- GetChartType
- SetChartType
- To draw chart:
- DrawChart
- To set parameters:
- SetParams
- GetParams
ESGraphParams has following parameters:
typedef struct _ESGraphParams { BOOL b3D; double d3DAngle; double d3DThickness; double dBarSpace; ESPatColor crBGColor; double dExtraSpace; int nFitSpace; // format ??? int nHalfPie; BOOL bKeepRatio; ESPatColor crLabelDashColor; double dLabelDashWidth; double dLabelOffset; int nMinValue, nMaxValue; BOOL bMergeValue; BOOL bOriLine; BOOL bPrintScale, bPrintValue; double dSliceBurst; ESPatColor crSliceSepColor; double dSliceSepWidth; double dSpotOffset, dSpotSize; // non vipp int nGraphPPI; } ESGraphParams;