The zip file contains a set of classes that allow the use of many of the new IE4 controls in any C++ program. The code on these classes is based on the VC++ Technology Preview, the only thing needed from the Technology Preview is the commctrl.h file. Included are classes for:
- ComboBoxEx (like normal combo but includes images and allow indents on items)
- DateTime Picker
- Month Calendar
- List control
- ReBar (both ReBar and ReBarCtrl)
- ToolBar (both ToolBar and ToolBar control)
- Tree control
The new classes for the ReBar and the ToolBar also need the new version of CControlBar (also included).
All these classes were built by examinig the old and the new versions and declaring only the differences.
The exceptions are the List and Tree control classes. These were based upon the classes on the DaoView sample. The List control class is virtually identical to the original: it only adds a few methods to make adding and inserting items easier. The Tree control classes include a CTreeNode class that wraps a HTREEITEM and thus makes it much easier to work with Tree controls.