Both CEditEx and CStaticEx allow for easy customization of text, background, and font attributes.
Using these classes:
See example code provided.
    1. COLORREF bkColor( COLORREF crColor )        COLORREF bkColor() const     2. COLORREF textColor( COLORREF crColor )        COLORREF textColor() const     3. (CEdit Only) void setCustomMask( CEditMask* editMask = 0 /* null == default */ ) - note I have tried using this feature yet.     4. (CEdit Only) void definePopupMenu( UINT uResourceID = 0 /* null == default */ ) - Overide default context menu with new menu resource.     5. void setFont( const LOGFONT* lpLogFont ); - NOTE: See CLogFont included in the CEditEx headers and CStaticEx headers        void setFont( LONG fontHeight = -8,                      LONG fontWeight = FW_NORMAL,                      UCHAR pitchAndFamily = DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_DONTCARE,                      LPCSTR faceName = _T("MS Sans Serif" );
    6. (CStaticEx Only) The following idea came from Paul DiLascia in the December 1997 issue of MSJ.         void onClickDoShellCommand( const CString& linkName ) - Use control as a link to open a link or exe         COLORREF setLinkColorVisited( COLORREF crColor ) - Sets the visit color, returns previous setting         COLORREF setLinkColorUnvisited( COLORREF crColor ) - Sets the unvisited color, returns previous setting         BOOL doCustomCursor( bool custom = true ) - show a custom cursor over the control