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Its pretty easy to implement an avi control. Follow these steps to add
an avi animation control (CAnimateCtrl) to your dialog resource:
- In the resource editor, click on the animate control icon, and place one
on your dialog. - Go into ‘Class Wizard’ and add a control name to your newly inserted
component. example: - Next, import the .avi file into your project. To do this, highlite your
resource project name, and right click in the resource view window. Select
import. Set the filter to *.avi, and select the avi file you want to import. - Enter “AVI” for resource type in the custom resource type dialog box.
- Add the following code to your project:
CAnimateCtrl m_avi;
this is placed in your .h file.
// CAvidemoDlg message handlers
BOOL CAvidemoDlg::OnInitDialog()
// TODO: Add extra initialization here
m_avi.Open( IDR_AVI ); // open the avi resource.
m_avi.Play( 0, -1,-1 );play avi resource.
// return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
return TRUE;
Last updated: 29 March 1998