An Efficient Pointer Wrapper in C++ for Scientific Computation

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Declaration and Conclusion


For academic researchers (such like me — a physicist) who need to deal with heavy scientific computation and maintain simulation packages on a regular basis, usually, efficiency is the ultimate goal. However, resource management is also important, such like preventing memory leak. Some of my fellow physicists prefer to use smart pointers such like std::tr1::shared_ptr/boost::shared_ptr, etc. Although the resource management issue can be handled, the efficiency would be affected a lot! Because most of the cases, using boost::shared_ptr would force the scientific researchers to pay for what they never need.

In this article, I will share a piece of code I use often —- a pointer wrapper with reference counting. It is small, portable, straight forward, with reference counting and automatic memory management. For most of scientific computations I am dealing with, this homemade smart pointer can achieve what is needed with excellent efficiency comparing with boost::shared_ptr. You can find the source code, testing code in the attachment of this article.


To save the reader’s time, first the benchmark plot and testing code is shown. the x-axis of the above plot is the variable “counter” in the main function below, which is number of loops for the test. The y-axis is in the unit of second. My pointer wrapper is called BT::wrapper_ptr. The wrapper_ptr is about 3 times faster than boost:shared_ptr. If you are satisfied with the benchmark result and would like to try the this pointer wrapper, please continue to the next section.

#include <time.h>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <tr1/memory>
#include "BT_wrapper_ptr.h"

using namespace std;

typedef int type;
typedef type* raw_ptr_type;
typedef BT::wrapper_ptr<type> wrapper_ptr_type;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<type> boost_shared_ptr_type;
typedef tr1::shared_ptr<type> tr1_shared_ptr_type;

template<typename T>
void benchmark(T ptr){
  T p1 = ptr;
  T p2 = ptr;
  T p3 = ptr;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
  size_t count = 1E6;

  if(argc > 1)
    count = atoi(argv[1]);

  clock_t start, end;
  double diff;

  //raw pointer
    for (size_t i = 0; i <count ; ++i){
	raw_ptr_type ptr(new type);
	delete ptr;
  printf ("%.2lf seconds elapsed for raw pointer.\n", diff );

    for (size_t i = 0; i < count ; ++i){
	wrapper_ptr_type ptr(new type);
  printf ("%.2lf seconds elapsed for BT::wrapper_ptr.\n", diff );

    for (size_t i = 0; i < count ; ++i)
	tr1_shared_ptr_type ptr(new type);
  printf ("%.2lf seconds elapsed for tr1::shared_ptr.\n", diff );

    for (size_t i = 0; i < count ; ++i)
	boost_shared_ptr_type ptr(new type);
  printf ("%.2lf seconds elapsed for boost::shared_ptr.\n", diff );

  return 0;

Declaration and Conclusion

The source code can be found in the zip file below. The wrapper is adaptable with containers, has reference counter, has most often used operator overloaded and has type conversion template member functions.

namespace BT{

  template<class T>
  class wrapper_ptr{
    typedef T& reference;
    typedef unsigned long ref_type;
    explicit wrapper_ptr(T* p=0);
    wrapper_ptr& operator= (T* p);
    wrapper_ptr(const wrapper_ptr& r) throw();
    wrapper_ptr& operator= (const wrapper_ptr& r) throw();
    template<typename Y> friend class wrapper_ptr;

    //template member functions
    template<typename Y> wrapper_ptr(const wrapper_ptr<Y>& r)
    template<typename Y> wrapper_ptr& operator= (const wrapper_ptr<Y>& r);
    template<typename Y> wrapper_ptr(Y* py);
    template<typename Y> wrapper_ptr& operator= (Y* py);
    void reset(T* p=0);
    reference operator*() const throw();
    T* operator->() const throw();
    T* get() const throw();
    ref_type use_count() const throw();
    bool unique() const throw();


    void dispose() throw();
    T* pointer;
    ref_type* pref;
  }; //wrapper ends here

  //overloaded operators
  template<typename T1,typename T2>
    inline bool operator==(wrapper_ptr<T1> const & l, wrapper_ptr<T2> const & r);

  template<typename T1,typename T2>
    inline bool operator!=(wrapper_ptr<T1> const & l, wrapper_ptr<T2> const & r);

The wrapper can be used just like regular smart pointers and examples can be found in the sample.cpp in the zip file.
In conclusion, if you are like me, always have to seek balance between efficiency and robustness when developing scientific computation programs, then i’d like to share with you this snip of code i use often. This wrapper does not have advanced features as boost:shared_ptr, i.e. the wrapper doesn’t take into consideration of multi-threading programming, but the wrapper is straight forward and handy. Hope the wrapper can save you time and be helpful to you.

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