Removing Characters and Strings from a String (VB6)

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I am often faced with a problem of a string that needs to have certain characters removed from it. With the advent of the <b>Replace() </b> function, the problem becomes more manageable. For instance, if you wanted to remove all of a’s from a particular string, you could do the following:

Debug.print Replace("abababa", "a", "")

This is nice when you only have a single character that you want removed, but if you have a long list of suspects, you will have to do some serious copy and paste. You can avoid that by using the following function:

public Function StripOut(From as string, What as string) as string

    Dim i as Integer

    StripOut = From
    for i = 1 to len(What)
        StripOut = Replace(StripOut, mid$(What, i, 1), "")
    next i

End Function

Just place it somewhere in your code (preferably in a module), and call it like this:

Debug.print StripOut("abcdefg", "bdf")

This will return a string that had all of its ‘b’, ‘d’, and ‘f’ characters removed.

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