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As you may know, I love games. I am not a huge gamer, but I do like the odd game every now and then. What I do love is creating games. I love creating games that involve some logic to solve. Checkers is no exception! In this article, I will show you how to create your own basic Checkers game. There is a lot of work, so let’s get started.

Our Project

Start Visual Studio and create a new Visual Basic Windows Forms project. Once the form is displayed, resize it to a size of 498 x 522, as shown in Figure 1.

Form 1
Figure 1: Form 1

You will come back to this form a bit later. Add a new Component to the Project by clicking Project, Add Component, as shown in Figure 2.

Add Component
Figure 2: Add Component

This component will be used to create the Checkers objects. I have named mine compCheck, but you can name yours anything you desire. Add the following two Properties:

   Private blnSelected As Boolean

   Private intPlayer As Integer

   Public Property Selected() As Boolean


         Return blnSelected

      End Get

      Set(ByVal value As Boolean)

         blnSelected = value

      End Set

   End Property

   Public Property Player() As Integer


         Return intPlayer

      End Get

      Set(ByVal value As Integer)

         intPlayer = value

      End Set

   End Property

This identifies the selected check object as well as the current player. Now, let’s draw the checks:

   Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(e As _


      Dim gpPath As New Drawing2D.GraphicsPath
      Dim rRect As Rectangle = Me.DisplayRectangle

      rRect.Inflate(-1, -1)

      e.Graphics.DrawEllipse(New Pen(Brushes.Black, 3), rRect)

      rRect.Inflate(-1, -1)

      e.Graphics.FillEllipse(New SolidBrush(Me.BackColor), rRect)

      rRect.Inflate(2, 2)


      Me.Region = New Region(gpPath)

      If Selected Then

         Dim pnlTemp As Panel = DirectCast(Me.Parent, Panel)

         pnlTemp.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D


         Dim pnlTemp As Panel = DirectCast(Me.Parent, Panel)

         pnlTemp.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle

      End If

   End Sub

This gives a nice border next to each check and fills it with a seeding color. Later, you will add more colors to your Check objects. Build your project. In the Toolbox, you should notice your newly created component. Add it to your form.

Toolbox Component
Figure 3: Toolbox Component

Open your Form’s code and add the following three members:

   Private pnlBoard(7, 7) As Panel

   Private chkSelected As compCheck

   Private blnPlayer1 As Boolean = True

pnlBoard will create the Checkers board. chkSelected represents the selected Check. blnPlayer1 identifies which player is currently playing. Let’s create the board:

   Private Sub CreateBoard()

      For x As Integer = 0 To pnlBoard.GetUpperBound(0)

         For y As Integer = 0 To pnlBoard.GetUpperBound(1)

            Dim pnlTemp As New Panel

            With pnlTemp

               If CBool(x Mod 2) Then

                  If CBool(y Mod 2) Then

                     .BackColor = Color.AliceBlue


                     .BackColor = Color.LightBlue

                  End If


                  If CBool(y Mod 2) Then

                     .BackColor = Color.LightBlue


                     .BackColor = Color.AliceBlue

                  End If

               End If

               .BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle

               .Location = New Point(x * 60, y * 60)

               .Size = New Size(60, 60)

            End With

            pnlBoard(x, y) = pnlTemp


            AddHandler pnlTemp.Click, AddressOf pnlBoard_click



   End Sub

The preceding code creates the Checkers board with alternating AliceBlue and LightBlue blocks. Add its event handler:

   Private Sub pnlBoard_click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

      Dim pnlSelected As Panel = DirectCast(sender, Panel)

      If Not (IsNothing(chkSelected)) AndAlso _
            MoveCheck(chkSelected, pnlSelected) Then

         PerformMove(chkSelected, pnlSelected)

      End If

   End Sub

When something on the board is clicked, it determines where to move the object and which object to move. More on the MoveCheck and PerformMove Subs later. Let’s finish creating our board with all its checks. Add the CreateChecks Sub:

   Private Sub CreateChecks()

      Dim x As Integer = 0

      For y As Integer = 0 To 2

         If y = 1 Then

            x = 1


            x = 0

         End If

         For i As Integer = x To x + 3

            Dim chkCheck As New compCheck

            With chkCheck

               .BackColor = Color.YellowGreen
               .Selected = False
               .Location = New Point(2, 2)
               .Player = 2
               .Size = New Size(50, 50)

            End With

            pnlBoard(x, y).Controls.Add(chkCheck)

            AddHandler chkCheck.Click, AddressOf chkCheck_Click

            x += 2



      x = 1

      For y As Integer = 5 To 7

         If y = 6 Then

            x = 0


            x = 1

         End If

         For i As Integer = x To x + 3

            Dim chkCheck As New compCheck

            With chkCheck

               .BackColor = Color.Tomato
               .Selected = False
               .Location = New Point(2, 2)
               .Player = 1
               .Size = New Size(50, 50)

            End With

            pnlBoard(x, y).Controls.Add(chkCheck)

            AddHandler chkCheck.Click, AddressOf chkCheck_Click

            x += 2



   End Sub

Depending on which player the created Check belongs to, the code determines its color as well as its location on the grid. Add its event handler:

   Private Sub chkCheck_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

      Dim chkSel As compCheck = DirectCast(sender, compCheck)

      If Not (IsNothing(chkSelected)) Then

         If chkSel Is chkSelected Then

            chkSelected.Selected = False
            chkSelected = Nothing


            chkSelected = chkSel
            chkSel.Selected = True

         End If


         chkSelected = chkSel
         chkSel.Selected = True

      End If

   End Sub

The chkCheck_Click event simply determines which Check has been selected. This is solely to keep track of which object to move. If you were to run your application now, your game should look like Figure 4.

Figure 4: Game

Add the PerformMove and MoveCheck methods so that you are able to determine which Check was selected and where it should go, as well as what should happen if one check has jumped over another check:

   Private Function MoveCheck(ByVal chkMoveCheck As compCheck, _
         ByVal pnlPanel As Panel) As Boolean

      If pnlPanel.Controls.Count = 0 AndAlso Not _
            (IsNothing(chkMoveCheck)) Then

         Dim intXSel As Integer
         Dim intYSel As Integer
         Dim intCurrX As Integer
         Dim intCurrY As Integer

         For intCol As Integer = 0 To pnlBoard.GetUpperBound(0)

            For intRow As Integer = 0 To pnlBoard.GetUpperBound(1)

               If pnlBoard(intCol, intRow) Is pnlPanel Then

                  intXSel = intCol
                  intYSel = intRow

               End If

               If pnlBoard(intCol, intRow) Is _
                     DirectCast(chkMoveCheck.Parent, Panel) Then

                  intCurrX = intCol
                  intCurrY = intRow

               End If



         If chkMoveCheck.Player = 1 AndAlso blnPlayer1 Then

            If intXSel - intCurrX = -1 AndAlso intYSel - _
                  intCurrY = -1 Then

               Return True

            ElseIf intXSel - intCurrX = -2 AndAlso intYSel - _
                  intCurrY = -2 Then

               Dim pnlTemp As Panel = DirectCast(pnlBoard(intXSel _
                  + 1, intYSel + 1), Panel)

               If pnlTemp.Controls.Count > -1 AndAlso _
                     DirectCast(pnlTemp.Controls(0), _
                     compCheck).Player = 2 Then


                  Return True


                  Return False

               End If

            ElseIf intXSel - intCurrX = 1 AndAlso intYSel - _
                  intCurrY = -1 Then

               Return True

            ElseIf intXSel - intCurrX = 2 AndAlso intYSel - -
                  intCurrY = -2 Then

               Dim pnlTemp As Panel = DirectCast(pnlBoard(intXSel _
                  - 1, intYSel + 1), Panel)

               If pnlTemp.Controls.Count > -1 AndAlso -
                     DirectCast(pnlTemp.Controls(0), -
                     compCheck).Player = 2 Then


                  Return True


                  Return False

               End If


               Return False

            End If

         ElseIf chkMoveCheck.Player = 2 AndAlso Not (blnPlayer1) _

            If intXSel - intCurrX = -1 AndAlso intYSel - _
                  intCurrY = 1 Then

               Return True

            ElseIf intXSel - intCurrX = -2 AndAlso intYSel - _
                  intCurrY = 2 Then

               Dim pnlTemp As Panel = _
                  DirectCast(pnlBoard(intXSel - _
                  + 1, intYSel - 1), Panel)

               If pnlTemp.Controls.Count > -1 AndAlso _
                     DirectCast(pnlTemp.Controls(0), _
                     compCheck).Player = 1 Then


                  Return True


                  Return False

               End If

            ElseIf intXSel - intCurrX = 1 AndAlso intYSel - _
                  intCurrY = 1 Then

               Return True

            ElseIf intXSel - intCurrX = 2 AndAlso intYSel - _
                  intCurrY = 2 Then

               Dim pnlTemp As Panel = DirectCast(pnlBoard(intXSel _
                  - 1, intYSel - 1), Panel)

               If pnlTemp.Controls.Count > -1 AndAlso _
                     DirectCast(pnlTemp.Controls(0), _
                     compCheck).Player = 1 Then


                  Return True


                  Return False

               End If


               Return False

            End If


            Return False

         End If


         Return False

      End If

   End Function

   Private Sub PerformMove(ByVal chkCheck As compCheck, ByVal _
         pnlPanel As Panel)

      chkCheck.Selected = False

      Dim pnlFrom As Panel = DirectCast(chkCheck.Parent, Panel)



      blnPlayer1 = Not (blnPlayer1)

      chkSelected = Nothing
   End Sub

Add the Form Load event, which creates the board and the checks:

   Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As _
         System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


      Call CreateBoard()

      Call CreateChecks()

      blnPlayer1 = True

   End Sub

Game in action
Figure 5: Game in action

More Possible Features

You already have a functional game. However, there can still be some improvements added, such as:

  • A proper method of scoring
  • Creating and implementing King options
  • Better graphic effects when a check has been jumped
  • Sound

You’ll find the zip file, HTG_Checkers, below this article. Please feel free to download it; it will assist you in building your own Checkers game.


I have said it many a time: If you know the logic of certain problems, you are halfway there. Now you have the logic of how to build a Checkers game; the onus is on you to develop it further. You may also want to have a look at a few of my previous articles dealing with games.

Hannes DuPreez
Hannes DuPreez
Ockert J. du Preez is a passionate coder and always willing to learn. He has written hundreds of developer articles over the years detailing his programming quests and adventures. He has written the following books: Visual Studio 2019 In-Depth (BpB Publications) JavaScript for Gurus (BpB Publications) He was the Technical Editor for Professional C++, 5th Edition (Wiley) He was a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional for .NET (2008–2017).

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